Ebo’s Super Quality MiddiEs; Amsterdammer and Triangle MaxxiE
Ebo's fame has revolved around its Ebo FoldiE... and not without reason as we've spent the last 8 years evolving the two principal models (UpRated Ezi Tnc & Ebo SuperTourEr) into what is clearly The World's Best FoldiE... Well, back a year ago we decided to put the same Pure Quality effort into a range of mid-drive bikes. We took a super-grade frame, and created an ensemble of the best Mid-Drive, computer control, brakes, chain, spokes, bearings, paint and electrics, that could be sourced and assembled, into a truly superQuality bike. This became the Ebo MidDrives story; The Ebo Amsterdammer Unisex Stepthrough, and the Ebo Triangle MaxxiE MTB type sport, commuter-tourer.
Last week at Auckland MotorCaravan Expo, these bikes really hit their stride, for the first time ever, actually outselling the Mk10 Ebo FoldiE. Amongst those sold was an unusual request... the two models (His & Hers) in the same color! We had a Metallic Navy Amsterdammer there that had already sold, and the clients were leaving for Wanaka on Wednesday. Our stock is held in Tauranga, so this was "pressure"... I had to get the 2 bikes up from Tauranga to Waiuku by Tuesday PM to meet the clients' departure. Salute to StoreRite Logistics for pulling this off. We got them to StoreRite Auckland Depot, via an urgent connection with PBT... what a saga! Other client pressures meant StoreRite saved me (exhausted from Show follow-ups) a drive to Tauranga and back, to meet Ebo's motto "Exceed expectations". Well, a huge effort was made, even with a medical issue interrupting, but the "Ebo Mounties Always Get Through" (to paraphrase our Canuck cousins)... I so proudly delivered the two matching-color bikes, despite "hell and high water." John and Janet are now on their way to Wanaka in their beautiful MotorCaravan, with their beautiful matching Ebo Amsterdammer and MaxxiE. John's a serious bike rider, and bought the bikes, untest-ridden, simply based on the superQuality he could see built into the bikes. Anything built with that attention to detail says it all. Anyways, he test rode his Ebo MaxxiE for the first time, having ordered and paid for it!... came back with a grin a mile wide. 😊 Impressed he was, as we know our bikes make our clients.